Personal Support Services

We're here to help!

Your mental well-being and personal success are our focus. We offer counseling, coaching, training, events, resources and more. Our services are available to all MIU students and are confidential. We also have supports available for staff and faculty! Whether you are experiencing a situational problem or mental health crisis, have ongoing psychological concerns, or are looking for creative and collaborative problem-solving we are here to help. 

Explore the website to learn about our various mental health resources.

Questions? Email

Online, on-campus, ungergraduate, doctorate? Doesn't matter. If you're a student at MIU, these resources are for you!

Mental health supports for staff and faculty as well as guides and resources to help you help your students.

Need help right away? Click here for 24:7 crisis supports.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I refer someone I have concerns about?

Are you concerned about a student at MIU? Research shows that people are more likely to get support if someone they know recommends it to them. Consider having a conversation with the person you're concerned about and letting them know PSS is here to help. You can offer to connect them with PSS in-person or via email - just be sure the student knows you're going to connect them to a mental health support person. Mental health services work best when people are receptive and interested in getting support. 

If you've talked with the student about getting help, but the student denies seeking help, and you're still concerned, then it might be time to meet with the Dean of Students to see what supports might be available there. 

Of course, PSS is here to support you, too. If you have someone you're concerned about and  you're not sure how to help them,  feel free to reach out to PSS and we can help you in this process. We're available by email  ( or and by phone (641-799-1252).

What services does PSS offer?

PSS offers a variety of mental health supports, including counseling, life coaching, trainings, presentations, events, and resources. 

Who is eligible for services?

All currently enrolled MIU students are eligible for PSS offerings. We also have supports for MIU employees.

How do I get started with counseling?

The easiest way to get started is to schedule an initial session with Clint. Whether you are online or on-campus, Clint can provide some immediate support and help connect you to resources and figure out next steps. View Clint's calendar here to schedule your initial consultaion. 

What kinds of things do people talk about in counseling?

Students talk about a variety of personal and academic concerns in counseling. Personal concerns often include symptoms of anxiety or depression, dealing with roommates or friendships, romantic relationships, loneliness, self-esteem, substance use, body image, family challenges, dealing with grief, etc. Academic concerns include but are not limited to falling behind in class and strategies to catch up, low GPA, uncertainty about the future, how to talk with an instructor, and strategies for studying, time management, or test taking.  

Does PSS prescribe medications?

No. However, we do provide referrals to community agencies for evaluation, medication, and specialized or long-term therapy. 

Does PSS provide documentation for disability or emotional support animals?

No. Please visit our Accessibility Office for information about documentation.

I'm interested in working with PSS. How can I get involved?

We are always looking for people interested in promoting mental health initiatives at MIU. A lot of our programs are run by volunteers, FWS students, or hired help (such as workshop presenters). Whether you're a seasoned mental health professional, life coach, or someone just learning about mental health, we'd love to meet you and talk about possibilities! Email Rachael at and we'll get together!

I have a different question. Who can I contact?

Please feel free to reach out with any questions you might have. We're happy to help! You can email Rachael at or call/text 641-732-2667.