Help for Online Students

All services are free of charge for MIU students. 

Not sure where to start? No problem! 

Schedule a consultation call for guided support. 

Schedule a call/meeting with Clint for guidance through our resources to find what fits your situation best. 

Phone: 641-799-1252 Email:

Counseling Services 

Short-term counseling for online students

Online students may be eligible for up to 6 free sessions with an online therapist through Betterhelp. 

Fill out this request form and we'll help you navigate community and online resources to help you find the best fit for you based on your situation, insurance (insurance is not required), and location. 

Life and Wellness Coaching Services 

Attend a Workshop

Looking to improve yourself but don't have time for 1:1 coaching? Join a workshop or group coaching session. Workshop calendar coming soon!

1:1 Coaching

Interested and willing to make a time commitment to a life coaching program? Our coaches come from many backgrounds but they are all interested in helping you optimize your life. We have MAVIM grads and successful execs, but space is limited! Fill out this form if you're interested in connecting with a coach. 

Group coaching

Group coaching coming soon!

Become a coach

Do you have or are currently receiving training as a life or wellness coach? We're always looking for volunteers to help support our students. If you're interested in seeing how we can work together, please email Natasha at

Mental Health Trainings and Events 

Get Certified in Mental Health First Aid

MIU offers free training in Mental Health First Aid, a national program to teach the skills to respond to the signs of mental illness and substance use. Learn more about MHFA here

MHFA is great for you, your community, and your resume! Certification lasts for 3 years.  

Trainings are held periodically throughout the school year. Email to reserve your spot for the next training. 

Join our Peer Support Team

Are you a student interested in support mental health initiatives at MIU? We'd love to help you! We offer training and support for student volunteers and paid federal work-study positions. 

Interested in joining our team? Email Rachael at

Art Therapy & other events

Check the MIU app for upcoming events, like our monthly art therapy workshop and booth pop-ups. 

Host an event of your choosing!

Do you have a mental health event suggestion or interest in hosting one yourself? We're happy to help! Email Rachael at to get the collaboration started.

Additional Mental Health and Well-being Resources

Support is Available

Crisis Resources

If you are in crisis or looking for crisis resources, click here

Other Local & National Resources

Addiction recovery, food banks, shelters, and more, click here.