Melinda Janofsky


Certified Health Coach (Institute of Integrative Nutrition -2015)

Master Degree Graduate Maharishi Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine (2022) MIU

Experience Yoga Teacher, E-RYT500 (Yoga Alliance)

Yoga Therapist in Training (expected certification 1/2024)

Certified Maharishi Yoga Asana Teacher

Certified Yoga Nidra Teacher

Certified Meditation and Pranayama Teacher

BA in Sociology (Rutgers University)



 I am passionate about assisting and supporting clients in achieving their health and wellness goals. Addressing areas of health and general life concerns creates an environment that can have a significant impact on your short and long-term goals. You can work to improve your time management skills, form effective study habits, prioritize self-care, better manage stress, and adopt sustainable and positive behavior changes by learning and implementing life skills. When you work on these types of goals with an accountability coach, you can explore and achieve success in a safe environment.